Project 100 Dogs/Projekt 100 Hunde is an artistic study of 100 different dog breeds. The purpose of the study is not only to show that dogs have 100 different facial expressions but to also highlight the different personality of each breed, which will help you to choose the right dog for you and your family.
Every year thousands of healthy dogs are being put to sleep due to owners not being able to handle their dogs. Often this could have been avoided if the owners had been familiar with the characteristics of the dog breeds. The purpose of this project is therefore also to raise awareness about this major problem. Also when owning a dog of mixed breeds it is a good idea to be familiar with the characteristics and behaviour of the different dog breeds.
It is a work in progress, in the meantime we hope you enjoy what we have done so far.
The people behind Project 100 Dogs are:
Dog Behaviourist Gitte Westen Breaum and Photographic Artist Pernille Westh.
Art Prints of the dogs now available for purchase!
Project 100 Dogs are on Facebook and on Instagram. And here you can see where the exhibition Project 100 Dogs/Projekt 100 Hunde is being showed.
See another Project with a mission: Project 3 Million Trees
Projekt 100 Hunde er et studium. Man siger, at hunden har 100 forskellige ansigtsudtryk, derfor afbilleder projektet 100 forskellige hunde. Desuden vil projektet udbedre racekendskabet, så det er lettere at vælge den rigtige race. Hvert år bliver tusindevis af raske hunde aflivet på grund af ejernes manglende kendskab til hunderacerne og deres adfærd. Selvom man har en blandingshund, er det også vigtigt, at man kender til de racer, som ens hund er krydset af.
Projekt 100 Hunde er "a work in progress", og vi håber, at I nyder, hvad vi har lavet indtil nu.
Bag Projekt 100 Hunde er:
Ekspert i hundeadfærd Gitte Westen Breaum og Fotografisk kunstner Pernille Westh.
Det er nu muligt at købe Art Prints af hundene!
Projekt 100 Hunde er på Facebook og på Instagram. Og her kan man se, hvor udstillingen Projekt 100 Hunde vises.
See another Project with a mission: Project 3 Million Trees